Friday, August 05, 2005

Blood Alcohol Limits hard to Follow

A recent survey taken at popular pubs in sydney found that following government guidelines of 0.02 Blood Alcohol rating is very difficult due to the increasing size of drinks served.

"I ordered a cocktail, expecting something in a Martini or Tom Collins glass, and instead they serve me this! [pictured below] It just isn't fair that I am expected to buy this when I need to drive home soon! never mind they charged me $45.00 for the privelidge!"

We purchased one of these cocktails, aptly named "Hit me over the head with a large blunt object" and took it back to our labs for testing.
Results returned minutes later, labelling a content of 49.5 Standard Drinks (Approximately 1Std Drink = 0.02 Blood-Alcohol Rating).

The man requested that his identity not be revealed.


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