Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Censor our Blogs will you China? I DON'T THINK SO!

I have now posted 20 'Newspaper Clippings' on this blog. This post is a short break from the current style. Check out BBC news article sent to me by a good friend Ryan [names may have been changed to protect the aforementioned's thought process] showing China & Microsoft to be working together.

In order to upset the supposed 'Night Crawler' program the Chinese government is rumoured to be using, here is a paragraph of Left-Wing craziness:

Democracy is a wonderful thing. China is way behind the rest of the world on this, even Taiwan now has freedom of speech! Even Singapore has their forum of free speech in the Clementi Park.
If the bloody goverment hadn't mauled those little children in Tiananmen Square then maybe people would actually have rights! Having the right to vote is awesome, and Communism doesn't work. China doesn't even have real communism, I mean, they have McDonalds. Pity they dont have Human Rights.

/end Keyword-Filled rant.

Check out the Article:


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