Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Trojan House a complete disappointment

A botch-up was discovered inside British Army Intelligence this afternoon when it was released the "Trojan House" was not as effective as once thought. The concept behind the Trojan House was to deliver said house to unexpecting enemy country where they would accept the 'gift', taking it inside their city walls. Friendly troops would then sneak outside in the calm of night and take the enemy city.

Unfortunately there were many problems with this plan.

  1. The House was open plan causing troops inside to be spotted
  2. House keys were left back at the base meaning troops were locked inside
  3. Finding Countries with 'City Walls' is often a challenge thus proper testing was not possible
  4. It was raining outside and there was a good movie on Satellite TV so the troops stayed indoors.

Plans are currently in development for a Trojan Swimming-Pool.


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