Monday, June 13, 2005

Rational Thinkers Epitomising Rational Thought

Hooray the blog is up.

Was just editing my profile when I came to the Random Question button.

"Hmmm" is all my Rational Brain could muster when I was presented with the question

Well, maybe they don't need them, but don't you think that some fish might like a bicycle?

The one and only Rational answer:

I beleive that all fish should be given the choice as to whether or not they are issued a bicycle. It is a common misconception that fish not only are unable to ride bicycles, but that they dislike them intensely. Nothing could be farther from the truth which is why scientists around the globe are working day and night to come up with a viable solution to the fish-bicycle compatibility issue. I am told they are very near a breakthrough and any day now all fish, be they trout, goldfish, snapper, swordfish or even tuna will be given the opportunity - no, the right - to own and ride a bicycle.

Now seems to be a good time also to point out the purpose of this blog is to post images for other Rational Thinkers like myself.

When Marisa-Clare [names may have been changed to protect the identity of aforementioned's thought process] was asked

"Would you say you are a rational thinker?" Her reply was thus:


Without being prompted again, just to make sure I understood, I received a secondary answer:


I wasn't expecting this so for the sake of all that is good, I edited her reply. Her new reply reads thus:



PS: Picture of a fish:


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